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Natural Awakenings Gulf Coast Alabama Mississippi

Aging Gracefully, Gratefully

Dr. Manja Podratz

In Western society, endless youth is often seen as desirable, while aging is viewed with dread. When signs of aging such as wrinkles, thinning hair, joint pain, weight gain or insomnia appear, they can take a toll on a woman’s self-image and quality of life. 

Dr. Manja Podratz helps women navigate life’s transitions by offering natural hormone-balancing guidance. Perimenopause is a critical chapter marked by fluctuating hormones that cause a range of symptoms. During this stage, FSH increases, estradiol fluctuates and progesterone declines. Testosterone and oxytocin levels also drop, affecting stamina and libido. 

Estrogen, which lubricates tissues, plays a key role in sexual health as well as joint, skin and hair vitality. As estrogen declines, it’s important to support tissue hydration with quality water, vitamin C, CoQ10, silica and hyaluronic acid to boost collagen production. Women with a history of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or MTHFR gene variants may experience hair loss, but supplements like SAMe, folate and chromium can help. 

Supporting estrogen metabolism is also crucial for breast cancer prevention, as up to 80% of breast cancers are estrogen-receptor-positive. Supplements like glutathione, sulforaphane, calcium D-glucuronate, DIM and probiotics, along with a healthy diet and sleep, help maintain tissue health. 

Podratz uses Heart Rate Variability (HRV) scans for insight into a person’s ability to adapt to stress, as well as the DUTCH test to monitor hormone metabolites and offers personalized guidance on diet, stress management and herbal support. Embracing graceful aging allows women to welcome their wisdom years with gratitude.

For more information: Contact Dr. Manja Podratz, DNM, Ph.D., 109A Upham St., Mobile, AL. 251-234-4771.


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