Become an Advertising Partner
We understand the power of spaced repetition and multi-impression marketing. As an advertiser you appear in several places within each month's issue. In our print publication, advertisers run their ads, articles, directory listings and calendar listings. Readers also find you in our digital version of the print magazine which is emailed to subscribers, posted on our homepage and posted on social media. Plus, health-conscious consumers find our advertisers on our free mobile app and national online directory.
Experience our targeted distribution and local market.
As a free community publication, we're distributed in 600+ locations throughout Coastal Alabama and Mississippi. Readers can pick us up all month at health food stores, grocery stores, wellness centers, doctors offices, hospitals, hotels, libraries, fitness centers, spas, retail stores, restaurants and more. One in four adult Americans are part of the $290 billion marketplace for goods and services in the categories of health and wellness, the environment and ecological living, social justice, personal development, spirituality and socially responsible investing. Reach our health-conscious readers who are eagerly seeking resources that will improve their health and well-being.
Reach beyond our local market.
Serving more than 50 markets across the U.S., Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, Natural Awakenings is one of the largest national publications serving the vast natural health and sustainable living sectors of our economy. Whether you want to reach Myrtle Beach, SC and Atlanta, GA, or Chicago, IL and Boston, MA, we can help you create a multi-market campaign to meet your needs.
2024 Media Kit