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Natural Awakenings Gulf Coast Alabama Mississippi

Finding the Path

Jul 31, 2023 09:31AM ● By Pastor Eric Hankins
A commonly held belief by people who claim to be “spiritual but not religious” is that, because all religions teach essentially the same thing, there are many equally valid paths to God, rather than just one. The technical religious word for this is “pluralism” as opposed to “exclusivism.” Without question, this is a very kind sentiment. It would be wonderful if everyone wound up in a redemptive relationship with God!

The problem with pluralism, unfortunately, is that it is little more than a nice idea with little cogency or practical value. It is like Marxism: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” It sounds fantastic, but it just doesn’t work with real people in the real world because there is way more to people and the world than material abilities and needs.

Pluralism means, “People can believe whatever they want, and things will work out.” It’s a view that is both banal and pernicious. Moreover, the person who claims that all religions teach essentially the same thing must do so from a position of either radical moral and intellectual superiority (“I comprehend and judge all the world’s religions!”) or radical moral and intellectual skepticism (“None of this mumbo jumbo matters!”), which are deeply problematic positions.

The questions cannot be waved away so easily. At First Fairhope, we discuss how the hard work of pursuing truth must be done because only truth redeems. “Who is God?” and “What is a ‘religious’ path that redeems?” and “What is redemption?” have true and false answers that can be compared to one another and assessed. These questions are simultaneously the hardest and most important questions there are. Finding the True Answer is the only path worth walking.

“Who is God?” Christianity’s claim is that the one true God is the ultimate Being to whom all people must be rightly related. The life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the fullest revelation of both God’s Being and the nature of humanity’s right relationship with God.

Therefore, faith in Jesus is the only “religious path that redeems.” No other religion posits a Savior like him. He entered human history to reveal true divinity (the Creator is eternal, personal, holy, self-giving love) and true humanity (the meaningful life is found in sacrifice for others, not acquisition for oneself). It is impossible for people to find this way of being human and this way of knowing God on their own.

Each person is evidence of this fact. We need to be redeemed, rescued from our addiction to self-centeredness and all the misery it brings. Jesus is this kind of Redeemer. His divinity reveals God’s love and power to save; his humanity accomplishes the redemptive act: the best person willingly makes the greatest sacrifice for the most undeserving. Such an act saves the world. It’s the only act that saves the world.

Eric Hankins, Ph.D., is pastor at First Fairhope Church, 300 S. Section St., Fairhope, AL. For more information, call 251-928-8685 or visit


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