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Breast Cancer Awareness: Carolyn Olson on the Benefits of Breast Thermography

Breast Cancer Awareness Month serves as a reminder of the importance of early detection and prevention. Carolyn Olson, a Certified Clinical Thermographer and owner of Thermography Advantage in Mobile, is a passionate advocate for women’s health, promoting the vital role of breast thermography.

“Breast thermography is a game-changer in the fight against breast cancer,” emphasizes Olson. “It offers women a non-invasive, radiation-free option to actively monitor their breast health. Awareness and early detection are key and thermography plays a crucial role in achieving these goals.”

One significant advantage of breast thermography is that it can complement other breast cancer screenings, such as mammograms or clinical breast exams, providing women with a more comprehensive approach to breast health. Such a multi-modal approach enhances the ability to detect potential issues early on and improves outcomes.

Breast thermography provides a thermal image along with a detailed written report from a medical doctor. But thermography doesn’t require a doctor’s order, making it accessible and convenient for women who want to take proactive steps in monitoring their breast health. “Women should have the freedom to make informed choices about their health,” says Olson. “Breast thermography empowers them to do that.”

Olson’s advocacy for breast thermography during Breast Cancer Awareness Month underscores the importance of providing women with choices when it comes to breast health. Her dedication serves as a beacon of empowerment, guiding women toward proactive breast health management.

“We can create a future where breast cancer is detected early, leading to improved outcomes and saved lives,” says Olson.

For more information on breast screenings at Thermography Advantage, call or text Carolyn Olson, Certified Clinical Thermographer at 251-623-2225 or visit


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